How to Build Your Personal Brand: Steps on Getting Started, Limitless Opportunities, + How to Stand Out

YOU are a brand. Whether you know it or not. Whether you like it or not.

Whether you’re a college student, just graduated college, out there crushing it in the working world, or thinking about creating your own business, you’re in the right place! Your personal brand determines your opportunities in your personal, professional, and financial aspects of your entire life.

You might be asking: How do I get started building my personal brand? Do followers matter? Do I need experience in sales and marketing to build my personal brand? First off, building your personal brand is easier than you think. If you have a social media account, take selfies, photos, and videos, typed up your resume, or have had a job interview, you are wildly capable of building your personal brand. Also, followers and experience in sales and marketing do NOT matter. It’s about how to pitch yourself, what value you can add to others’ lives, + how someone can describe you without even personally knowing you.

You have your own unique experiences, stories, + insights. Embrace who you are + what you want to share with the world. Nobody is like you + that is your superpower.

Here are ways you are already building your personal brand:

  • extracurricular activities in college or the workplace (Examples: student government, intramural basketball, involved in committees at work, etc.)

  • CPA License (which makes you stand out when applying for jobs or starting your own business)

  • Volunteering at church or charity events

  • postingyour achievements + interests on social media or LinkedIn

  • having hobbies outside of work (Example: fitness, wellness, etc.)

  • + more!

These are simple things you’re probably already doing…guess what? You are already building your personal brand without even knowing it. You’re already building + creating your brand by just being YOU.

If you have time to stalk your ex, create a finsta, take a selfie, scroll on social media, or binge watch a Netflix show, you HAVE time to build your personal brand. Whether you work on your personal brand for 5 minutes a day or 1 hour a week, being consistent is key.

Now you’re probably thinking, how do I even get started? As yourself these questions:

  • Who am I?

  • What do I want to be known for?

  • What am I passionate about?

  • What are my strengths?

  • Why would a company want to hire me?

  • What service or product can I create to make life easier?

  • Who are my ideal audience, clients, customers, or companies?

  • What impact do you want to leave behind that goes beyond your life?

Once you've given thought about who you are, the secret sauce is about brand identity + content strategy by brainstorming + executing the following:

  1. Identify your passion

  2. Brainstorm names for your personal brand (Examples: Your real name, a word, group of words, etc.)

  3. Have a consistent username on your website + social media accounts

  4. Create content through photos and/or videos that add value on social media + engage with your audience everyday

  5. Repeat step 4, pivot, + adjust accordingly

Here are reasons why personal branding will benefit you in the long-run through opportunities such as:

  • having your own clients + customers

  • promotions + higher salaries as you move up

  • brand partnerships + affiliate marketing

  • networking with like-minded people online + irl

  • being well known in your industry as the go-to

Invest in yourself by building your personal brand! Picture this: Years from now, you’ll be living that dream life, at your ideal position in a company or running your own business + having financial freedom for yourself + your family - all because your personal brand gave you these limitless opportunities.

If you’re interested in how you can level up your personal brand through the secret sauce which is brand identity + content strategy, I offer brand consultations linked here.

Listen to The Cool CPA Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google Podcasts - Episode 6: Why Building Your Personal Brand is More Important than Ever: Limitless Opportunities, Making a Name for Yourself, Tips Anyone Can Do, + Dealing with Self-Doubt (Don’t forget to leave a review!)

Are you going to get started building your personal brand? Comment below on what type of personal brand you’ve been thinking about lately.